So Why Train Your Dog?

You had a dog when you were a kid and you never “trained” him and he was great. So why all this training stuff??? Why can’t we just live with Fritz. He’ll figure it out….right?? Spot always did. Yes, there are still dogs like that, and families with tons of time to spend with their […]


There is a BIG difference between bribing and rewarding with food. BRIBERY is the act of presenting the food to the dog in order to get the dog to perform a desired behavior. REWARDING is the act of presenting something a dog finds valuable (food, toy, praise, etc.) after the dog has performed the behavior. Below are some examples […]

Play and Bite for FUN!

It’s very nice to see dogs Happy. Following you can see a video with the results of positive reinforcement. The Gang is composed   by:     Here it is THE VIDEO Play and Bite for FUN