Congratulation to NEO (Telchines Heavy Hydrogen) who lives in Latvia ,NOW Champion of 2 States at 21 months old . Thanks to Santra Sevele and his family.
Congratulation to THOR , 21 months old (Telchines Hypnotic Nightmare), NOW Champion of 3 States . A Special thanks to his family for the trust they placed in me allowing me to take him on tour. I know, Manuela , how much you missed him .
A very “Well done Boy “to my DILUVIO (Telchines Hieronymus Bosch) , becoming Champion of 4 States and 2 Crufts Qualification for 2024 at the age of 21 months
3 Brothers , 3 Champions!
We are So Proud of them
To continue :
Many Congrats to REVERIE (Telchines Eleusinian Mysteries) aleady Junior champion and NOW CHAMPION of 3 States THanks a lot to Bianca e Ric for taking so care of this little beauty who has a special hearth
Congratulation to ONE , (Telchines Fateful Encounter ).NOW International Champion, Champion of 5 States and Crufts Qualified 2024 . Thanks to her Family, Camilla Piccoli, Marina Bertuzzo, Mireno Piccoli .
Well Done also to BERENICE my crazy girl and also called Dynamite by one Judge. (Telchines Elusive Answer) , already International Champion and Champion of 10 States
This year, Berenice has consistently stood out and bringing home 4 Crufts Qualifications.
Excellent result at her first Show in adult for AIKA (Telchines Head Of Harrow) with her first CACIB Thanks to Valentina Corbatto and her family
Well done also for the babies Khaos (Telchines Khaos Abyss Of Numbers) and Vienna (Telchines Klimt Vienna Secession). At the first Show in baby class they did an excellent job deserving the title of Baby Champions